Invisa HTR 7000 In Ceiling/Wall Angled Speaker -Ea

 Part No.  InvisaHTR7000
 Description  Invisa HTR 7000 In Ceiling/Wall Angled Speaker -Ea
 Brand  GoldenEar
 RRP  $1199 each
 Image Image
 Product Notes  

The Invisa Home Theater Reference 7000 is designed for use as a ceiling-mounted main front stage left, right, or center speaker in high-quality home theater or music systems,as well as for use as a side or rear surround speaker. It has a flat, round, magnetically attached micro-perf grille that covers the mounting flange for an attractive, nearly “invisible” look. The drivers are mounted at precisely calculated angles so that they face the normal listening position for exceptional imaging, superior frequency response, remarkable clarity and precise focus. The driver complement combines the same superb 7" high-definition cast-basket driver used in the acclaimed Aon 3, with one of GoldenEar’s signature technology High Velocity Folded Ribbon tweeters. A complex crossover network, with a high-frequency equalization switch, assures perfect blending. In order to achieve open, boxless, three-dimensional imaging that appears to come from across the front wall rather than the ceiling, great care has been taken to minimize deleterious diffraction effects as well as to optimize wave-launch into the room. This is achieved by utilizing and combining our FocusField™ Technology with a unique Non-Periodic Waveform (NPW) Diffraction Control and Wave-Launch construction.


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