
A Superb Loudspeaker
Magnepan has been manufacturing innovative, world class stereo speakers for 47 years. Jim Winey, the inventor of the Magneplanar loudspeaker, first owned electrostatic loudspeakers and began experimenting to design an improved electrostatic speaker. In 1969, Jim invented the Magneplanar, a thin-film magnetic equivalent to the electrostat and founded Magnepan.
Superb transparency and transient response.
The Absolute Sound says that Magnepans do timbre better than even the best box speakers.
Magnepans have a truly large soundstage.
So accurate and present. You feel like you are there in the music.
Bass Accuracy And Full Range Dipole Speakers
A full-range planar speaker can reproduce the lower register of a piano with the same resolution as the midrange. There is no sense of a woofer altering the sound of a piano. To put it another way, a woofer in a box has a characteristic sound that puts its “signature” on all bass instruments. It may not matter when listening to electronic bass instruments, but once you have heard acoustical bass instruments reproduced on a full-range dipole, it’s hard to forget! The Magneplanar is the only full-range dipole that offers bass and midbass definition at a reasonable price, size, and reliability never before achieved from any other full-range dipole. Have you carefully listened to the bass? We are hoping you will. Once a listener develops an appreciation for dipole sound, few go back to conventional dynamic speakers.
Product Features / Benefit